Scissor Sisters on Saturday Night Live Dec 11
I still have not seen anything in the popular media about Scissor Sisters being on Saturday Night Live. I have had it on the blog for a week now.
I am looking forward to seeing them on December 11 on SNL and live on December 16. I feel like I ought to be on their payroll, as much as I promote them but since Babydaddy's father has promised to be my doctors until a ripe old age, I will keep doing it for free.
I am listening to their CD now. I never get tired of it.
More Scissor Sisters links:
Dates for Scissor Sisters tour:
Note about them in Rolling Stone Magazine:
Here was the original post
think this is a scoop but Scissor Sisters is supposed to be on Saturday Night Live on December 11.
I got the information from one of the band members mother. I won't name names but if you read my column
You might have a hint.
For people like me that are old enough to have seen the original shows with John Belushi, Gilda Radner, Chevy Chase etc., it is hard to believe they have come so far. SNL has introduced a plethora of new acts to a mainstream audience and I suspect it will be Scissor Sister's big breakthough.
Along that line. Scissor Sisters is going on a concert tour. Now that I have purchased my tickets, I will tell you they will be at the Dane in Lexington on December 16. Since it will be right after the SNL appearance, I am sure a small venue like the Dane will sell out in no time.
They are also going to Atlanta, Austin and various places in between. You can order tickets at